30 June, 2004

going to chicago

Rob decided - for the most part, after visiting Andrea in Chicago last week, to move back there after we close Footloose. The timing is convenient because I am planning on doing a road trip there to help my folks pack up their house for The Big Move to Plainfield. Convenient because it'd be pretty easy to pack all of Rob's stuff in the truck for the drive to Chicago. Then, when I return, I'll be solo.

When he left for four days to visit Andrea, it took me about a day and a half to get over the Empty Nest Syndrome. I realized, of course, how "used to" having Rob around I am. But I soon began to enjoy the perks of living alone again. And, I was glad to see him return.

Of course, he returned with the Moving To Chicago news. I know it must have weighed heavily on him; it took him a couple days of being back before he told me about it. And when he told me, he came at it in an indirect way - talking about how the road trip idea would be great because he could pack all of his stuff up in the truck for the journey to Chicago. So, that was the first word that I got from him about the change of his plans. It wasn't something like, "I think I'm going to move back to Chicago..." Of course, the continual investigating that Rob and I do on the different way our brains work forces me to acknowledge that he may have been trying to give more direct indications about this that I just plain missed.

The way that he told me is really beside the point, which is that the idea of not having him around is really beginning to hit. Nobody else "gets me" like he does. No one else challenges my behavioral and thinking patterns like he does. With no one else do I regularly indulge in smoking the ganj...

This is going to suck.

And then I will grow numb.

And then I'll move to Portland and become more numb and more sensitive all at the same time.


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