30 June, 2004

triplets of belleville

An amazing move that Rob introduced me to: Les Triplettes of Belleville. The soundtrack; the animation; the story; the lack of spoken work; the characters... all of it is so unique that they make this movie just amazing.

Well, since Rob is leaving soon, I need to make plans to "replace" movies that he'll be taking with him. He brought a bunch of movies into the house when he moved in. Some of them I've gotten so used to having around that I will need to get my own copies pretty soon. I don't think there'll be more than a couple more that will fit into this category.

So, today I returned the computer speakers that I'd bought from Best Buy with the intention of using in conjunction with a TV, as yet unpurchased, out at the hot tub. Decided not too long ago that putting a TV out there was ridiculous - one doesn't stay in a hot tub long enough to watch much of anything. Besides, the outdoors in the back yard (especially at night) is so beautiful that to put a TV out there could be considered a heresy . So, returning the ~$50 speakers gave me an in-store credit with which I got this movie, and the second season of Futurama, all on DVD.

Man. I'm feeling the pull to pull up stakes and get myself to Portland. *sigh*


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