22 January, 2008

Coming back to the written word.

The last blog posts I made were written during my mom's last days. I wrote them primarily for my friends in Texas, from whom I had parted just some months before. They were also for my own benefit - I like to mark events with words so that I can remember what I was thinking and feeling. And especially with an event so momentous as the death of a parent, I wanted always to be able to look back and relive my own thoughts and perceptions.

Well, that was then. I am now motivated again to write but for a subtly different reason. This time it's really just for me. I love words. I love turning a phrase.

I also like tweaking the brains of those around me with my often unique perspective - not to mention the puns and other wordplay that often accompany.

I want to be a better writer, methinks.

And somewhere way off on the horizon I want some folks to be entertained by what I create.

. . . create.

I like to create.

So, now, this blog is not meant to be a record of the goings on of my life. But rather I think I will just use my life as a launching point for my own brand of observation. Maybe I'll get a thrill out of writing something that really puts the gist of my thinking in a way that others will understand. More likely, I'll be happy to have a wee discipline in something that I think is worthwhile.

That is the introduction. I don't know what subject is up next, but rest assured that it will at the very least be something that is interesting to me.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read your post about your mom. Thanks so much for sharing this - what a journey you all went through. And good for you to want to write and create for yourself now! Heaps of blessings for what will emerge...

January 26, 2008 2:24 PM  

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