So, here is the first journal entry. Why would I bother to do this? It's mostly for myself. I mean, it's cool to have stuff written so that I can look back on them from the vantage point of the future. Not only that, but I may decide to share this journal with other folks in the future - that would allow those folks to learn something about me.
But there's more.
I want to improve my writing. It's no great revelation to understand that the best way to improve writing is to WRITE. So, I'm doing that. The subject of the writing is me. And the rest of the characters and situations all surround me.
I haven't decided how personal I'm going to get with this. It depends on whether or not I consider this stuff to be public, or just for me. I suppose I could always hack some more code to mark an entry as "personal," and not allow non-Gregs to see it.
But for now, I just want to write stuff down.
I have felt for a long time, because of my love of words and language, that I could probably write some cool/fun song lyrics. I sat down one time to do so. To write a song about my own experience of often being the only one laughing.
At a movie. At a play. During a lecture.
I find myself finding stuff really funny that others around me don't. Either they're not getting it (which is what I suspect) or they're holding back their laughter for some reason.
Sometimes I wonder if my mental ability to assimilate or connect information together is different from others. Usually my solo laughter comes as a result of my finding a funny reference. So, I assume that when other people don't laugh, it's because they don't catch the reference. So, did they miss it? Did I catch something that they didn't? Or did I invent the reference? Did it really exist? Did I hear a word incorrectly and make a connection that doesn't exist? Could be. Actually, I know that happens. Sometimes I catch it before anyone else notices that I'm laughing at something that just doesn't exist.
I hope to record some of those instances in here as they come up.