29 July, 2004

second weekend

Tonight starts the second weekend of performances of "Footloose." We've added a show (tonight, Thursday) because we're expecting sellout crowds this weekend. We came close to selling out a couple of the shows last weekend. I hope for a good-sized crowd - and really think we'll have one, though not many tickets have been sold in advance for it.

The band for the show consists of me/keyboards, phil/bass, ken nelson/percussion, barrett hughes/trap, rob/lead guitar, ben hester/2nd guitar and pablo tani/sax,flute,clarinet. I've passed on the responsibility for setting tempos for most of the songs to Rob. He was chafing at my choices for tempii and asked to take the responsibility. So, I passed it to him. It took a lot of pride-squelching to do. In fact, I remember agreeing to this with my head while my insides screamed in protest. It was a good choice, though, because not only is Rob doing a decent job (hard *not* to do a good job when you use a metronome as a reference - and that referencing the tempo of the songs on the soundtrack recording) but it is a new experience for him. He's enjoying telling people that he's directing the band.

I have to admit that part of me is still resistant to the idea of letting go of a piece of my authority where it comes to the Pit. I'll get over it. I know it's a good thing for me to deal with. Besides, it allows me to relax a little bit more at the shows - one less thing to do. Unfortunately, Rob is still struggling to learn the cues for the start of the songs. Seems to me that the person setting the tempo ought to know that. So, that's still my job.

So many things keep popping into my head that I want to write about, but I don't feel like I want to write them right now. One or two of them are pretty weighty. I want to take the time to focus and get my thoughts out clearly. Right now, I'm at work and it's early - I don't really feel like doing that kind of focusing. So, sometime later I want to write about: crazy; more job search; my attitude at work; each small event that makes me want to get out of this town all the sooner.


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